Mission Statement: “Remembering God’s Promises, Reconnecting with One Another, and Reflecting God’s Love Together.”
Our mission statement is driven by the Great Commission (Matt 27:18-21) and the Great Commandment (John 15:5).
Our mission statement is driven by our rural context. We are a church with roots settling in over 130 years. The town knows us and our story. The people here are of the community.
Remembering God’s Promises:
We gather around the Word of God (Mt. 18:20). Faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17). Faith grows through the Word. Faith is sustained through the Word. The Word of God also comes to us through tangible means called the Sacraments—in water, bread, and wine (Mt. 26:26-29, Mt. 28:18-20, Mk. 14:22-24, John 3:5-6, Acts 2:38). The Word of God reveals to us the heart of God and the very promises He means to give to us:
forgiveness of sins. new life. community. healing. peace. joy. wholeness. His presence.
Reconnecting with One Another:
From the very beginning, we were meant to be in community and harmony with one another and God (Gen. 2:1-3). But since the Fall, we’ve all become disconnected. God has been seeking to reclaim all of Creation since the Fall. Through Jesus Christ His Only Son, He sought to connect with us by taking on flesh and living alongside people bearing with them their pain, grief, and joy. Jesus ultimately connects us to him today through baptism, giving to us an everlasting inheritance that’ll never fade (Romans 6:3-4). It is by the grace of God that He pours out upon us His favor. As a people connected to God through Jesus Christ, we are called to reconnect with people, seeking to connect them to Jesus (2 Cor. 5:17-21).
Reflecting God’s Love:
God’s love is great and is impartial as seen all throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry (John 3:16-17). The work accomplished upon the cross is for all people to behold. The proclamation of the resurrection is for all ears to hear (1 Cor. 15:20-22). As the church, we are the body of Christ, his hands and his feet, following the will of the Christ who is the Head, called to serve one another (Eph. 4;15-16) and our community in which our church has been planted in (Mt. 5:14). Because of this great love God has shown to us, we cannot help but out of gratitude reflect this love within our own works of service for others, hoping that they too might see and hear the Gospel.
As seen in our hospitality, generosity, patience, encouraging, and praying.